Lindsay Duff
Founder and CEO of RDT, Trading Coach
"I’ve learned that I can never make someone fit into my specific trading box and I’ll never ask you to trade like me-
but I will ask you to take a step back, trust yourself and trade what you see happening, not what you’re trying to force the market to do.
I’ll ask you to learn about yourself in the process and be sure to forgive yourself for mistakes."

Meet Lindsay Duff, founder and CEO of Responsible Day Trading. If you could rewind the clocks back to 2005, you would see a very different Lindsay - one who bartended at Chuy's Tex-Mex Restaurant in The Woodlands, TX while raising two young children by herself.
After persuasively requesting the opportunity to prove herself to a customer that just so happened to run a day trading academy, Lindsay's trading journey took off like a rocket. She quickly learned all the ins and outs of the day trading world.
She spent three months taking notes, learning, and absorbing information, and she soon found herself not only trading, but running a live trading room and revamping curriculum. After three years with this company, Lindsay went on to help start and refine three more day trading companies - each with their own strategy and "secret" to being a profitable trader.
She soon discovered a few key traits to each of these companies:
- There were huge chunks missing to the day trading puzzle
- They kept adding more and more items that would increase the cost for learning, yet the students weren’t really learning anything new
- The owners of these companies cared less and less about their students success
- Students were forced into a box to trade a certain way
After years of frustration with how companies were teaching people how to trade, Lindsay took matters into her own hands.
She took what WAS working - flowing with the market instead of trying to force it, allowing students to forge strategies embracing their individuality and uniqueness- and developed her own curriculum. She decided to open a school with integrity, one that valued education and the success of its students over profit.
With all of this in mind, in 2017 Responsible Day Trading was born.
Lindsay continues to leave her mark on the trading world with the founding of Uprofit so her traders have an opportunity to get funded while continuing to take on new coaching students every day.
She currently lives in Sugar Land, TX with her son and delightful dog Duchess.
"I will never claim to be the best trader in the world or some market guru. I’m just a responsible chick that gets it... No one is a perfect trader—we’re just all out there, trying our best and hoping to help others see the best in themselves as well!"

Jason Giordanella
Head Trading Coach
"Helping students grow and being their guide as they develop as traders is unbelievably rewarding— I enjoy bridging that gap for those who are practically following my exact same path, needing guidance to navigate through all of the ups and downs of trading... I find that trading AND educating really does make me a sharper and more focused Day Trader, which in the world of markets, is ALWAYS a good thing."
In a past life, Jason traveled the world. He lived at beach resorts, worked on cruise ships in the Caribbean and even worked as a Show Diver for Circ Du Soleil in China.
Motivated by the desire to be financially secure while still traveling the world, Jason joined a day trading academy and worked tirelessly for 4-8 hours a day for six months to develop a strategy - while also continuing as a diving instructor on a private island in Haiti. He saved $12,000 over the years and dedicated it to trading. In the summer of 2014, Jason took his first live trade.
By the winter of 2014, Jason's account was wiped clean.
After this incredibly tough reality check, Jason was redetermined to be a successful trader. After countless hours of studying, simulated trading, saving more money, and draining yet another account, Jason knew he was missing a crucial puzzle piece and needed some guidance.
He reached out to RDT Founder Lindsay Duff for mentorship.
Many evenings of coaching occurred over the next few years, and the personal mentorship and new perspectives gained was the turning point for Jason's trading career.
By 2018, Jason was a successful, full time trader and his difficult and challenging journey had pushed him forward to a moment of success! He never gave up, opened himself up to growth, and inspired by the incredible role mentorship played in his own life, he joined Lindsay and RDT so that he could pass on the coaching and guidance that was once given to him.
Jason lives in the UK and is a testament to the power of perseverance.
Claudia Lopez
Head of Community Outreach, Latin American Education
"We work hard every day to help build RDT into the go-to place for Latin American, Spanish and any trader who wants to get started on their trading journey. Working with RDT and supporting students has been the perfect fit for me!
Claudia has always been involved in the world of finance, initially working for a large international bank at the beginning of her career. She soon found that while she loved all things finance, the particular role she was playing did not allow her to use her people skills or foster her sociable personality.
She transitioned into a human resources role to work with others and more importantly, help them grow personally and professionally.
While still a student at RDT, founder Lindsay Duff reached out to Claudia for help. There was, and still is, a large number of traders in Latin America and Spain who are in search of the education and guidance that RDT provides. Lindsay wanted to help these traders and teamed up with Claudia to serve the community.
Trading and heading our Latin American Education department has allowed Claudia to combine her love for finance and helping others, while also giving her freedom and control of her time. From helping with calls with Spanish speaking traders to translating courses to developing curriculum, Claudia has constructed a strong foundation for the entire Spanish Department of RDT, allowing RDT to reach and help more students all over the world!
Claudia is from Asuncion, Paraguay and currently lives in the UK.

Angelina Le
Enrollment Coach
"I think the heart of RDT is what truly sets us apart. We care about all traders and want them to be successful, even if their journey is elsewhere and not with RDT. A true school will always put the needs of its students first and I am proud to work for a company that does that."
Angelina was born in, raised, and currently resides in Houston, TX.
She initially met RDT Founder Lindsay Duff in 2011, and they both worked for the same day trading company in 2014—Lindsay as a coach and curriculum creator and Angelina as head of social media.
After putting day trading on the back burner to focus on family and raising her daughter, Angelina returned to the world of day trading after getting laid off during the Covid-19 pandemic.
While on a friendly call to chat and update each other about life and so on, Lindsay reacted to the loss of Angelina's job with elation, and invited her to join RDT in order to build something that could truly help others and change lives.
After finishing the RDT strategy course and getting back on track with trading, Angelina now serves the RDT community by giving future traders the information and guidance they need to make the right choice for their journey and determine if RDT is the best fit for them.
She feels it is truly important for traders to have all the resources that they need to make the right decisions for their unique trading careers.
Angelina has one daughter named Isabella and loves the Houston Rockets.
Dan Pearson
Head Curriculum Coach
"I am incredibly happy that I joined the RDT family. The support I received in my journey to becoming consistent in trading was second to none...It is amazing to work with a group of traders who get on so well and create such a loving environment to learn and also have fun! "
Dan was born in London, UK and began his trading journey at the age of 18. In between venturing into semi-professional football, early retirement (unfortunately due to illness), and getting a degree and masters in Neuropsychology, Dan began paving his day trading journey with YouTube education and other trading courses.
Initially, Dan worked his way through learning about other trading markets (binary options, forex) before discovering and eventually falling in love with futures.
With a few pieces still missing in his strategy, he discovered Responsible Day Trading on YouTube and reached out to RDT founder Lindsay Duff. After a speaking together on the phone, Dan joined RDT as the first ever scholarship student in March 2021!
After being personally mentored by both Lindsay and Jason Giordanella (RDT Head Trading Coach) and hearing about their own journeys and struggles, Dan's dedication and the committed investment of his coaches allowed to him to complete his trading education to become a consistent and responsible trader.
He leads RDT's curriculum development and is constantly improving what RDT has to offer its students. He looks forward to coaching new students as they begin their own individual trading journeys.
Dan currently lives in Surrey, UK and supports Manchester United.

Deivis Viloria
Curriculum Coach, Latin American Education, Community Outreach
"Being part of the RDT team has given me a deep sense of connection and belonging, like being part of a family. I cherish every moment shared with my fellow traders and colleagues at RDT."
From Venezuela, to Spain, Deivis is a well-traveled nature lover who also happens to be a systems engineer and data analyst.
Deivis' approach to trading was heavily researched and thorough as he compared multiple programs and strategies. Deivis encountered obstacles in trading in the form of overcomplication, and was able to eliminate indicators and excessive information that was clouding rather than helping his thinking with the help of RDT.
When learning to trade, there are highs and lows, progress and frustration, and Deivis was able to bounce back and overcome with the unwavering encouragement from his RDT mentors. He feels that without the individual mentorship and support, he may have given up on trading - but instead he pushed forward.
He has continued his trading journey with RDT as a coach and as "part of a team that supports and values each other." Deivis contributes to many different areas of development including improving RDT curriculum, coaching new student traders, and increasing RDT's reach to help others become independent traders.
He considers himself to be a creative person, an avid gamer, and loves good movies.
Cesar Ahumada
Latin American Education
"That’s what I love about RDT, the feeling that you always have someone to reach and ask for help if you need to, and they’re always there with the best attitude to resolve any doubt you may have."
Originally from Tampico, Mexico - home of the "most delicious food you can imagine" - Cesar's day trading journey began in 2020 at the recommendation of a close friend. The foundations of his strategy are self-taught, and eventually Cesar began to look elsewhere for additional support and depth.
He enrolled in another program that strengthened his understanding of basic market trends, but eventually found the strategy did not line up with his unique trading style. In August of 2022, Cesar discovered RDT's YouTube videos and felt a connection with founder Lindsay Duff's method of trading and teaching.
He applied for and won the 2022 annual VIP scholarship. Since then, Cesar's trading has reached new heights, and he gives credit not only to the RDT strategy, but to the sense of community and support that RDT strives to cultivate.
Cesar's quick turn around from student to teacher is motivated by his enthusiasm to return the opportunity he received. He wants to spread the confidence he has gained from being consistent in trading, and he is helping RDT reach a larger community with the development of our Spanish curriculum.
Cesar lives in Tampico with his wife and son, has a BA in business administration, and is a full blown metal head.

All content published and distributed by Responsible Day Trading and its affiliates (collectively, the “Company”) is to be treated as general information only. None of the information provided by the Company or contained here is intended (a) as investment advice, (b) as an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy or sell or (c) as a recommendation, endorsement or sponsorship of any security, company or fund. Testimonials appearing may not be representative of other clients or customers and is not a guarantee of future performance or success.
Futures and forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones’ financial security or lifestyle. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to buy or sell futures, options or forex. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
CFTC Rules 4.41 - Hypothetical or Simulated performance results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, because the trades have not actually been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs, in general, are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown.