UsMACDs to Understand This Week’s Market Potential Using the Responsible Day Trading Method
Oct 30, 2023Hello and happy Halloween Eve my friends! Last week I was not able to be here, so I’m grateful to Cesar for taking over the review for me. But I’m home, rested and ready to go now, so let’s talk the market expectations.
So, looking at what has happened of the last, the market has been making a mad dash to the downside, which we expected. It has broken through that 4200 area and kept the momentum going. And we do expect it to try to push down further but we can see the reasons for the pullback to the upside when looking through our trading charts.
This is why we don’t use the Daily chart to anticipate trades for the day BUT we do use it to gauge the overall moment. The immediate momentum, according to the 10946, 1597 and 233 was telling us to expect to see moves to the upside today-- -and from the looks of it, that’s exactly what it has done!
Those RDT MACDs are a beautiful thing and they really help us to gauge AND anticipate momentum. They really are the most important tool in my toolbox. I love how they help us to make responsible decisions when trading!
Okay guys, that’s going to wrap it up for this week. Once again, congrats to our 4 scholarship winners! I cannot WAIT to see the amazing progress they will make. It really is a joy to see that light turn on for traders who are carving out their path in this industry and being a part of their journey absolutely makes my day!
If anyone has any questions about what we do here, please feel free to reach out and we’ll be happy to talk to you about it. Have a fabulous week everyone!
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