Trading RDT MACDs to Make Some Long Moves Today on Limited Time! +26 points ($1300 Pre-commission)
Dec 15, 2023Well, hello my friends! Today I found myself with a little bit of free time on my hands (not typical these days) and I was able to spend a little time with the market. Like we discussed in the Monday Morning Rundown, this market was expected to continue moving up—and up it has moved!
I thought I was going to be able to take advantage of some moves when the market first opened but only found myself grabbing a point before I realized I was distracted by something I had to take care of. Once I took care of that, I was able to return to the market to spend a good 45 minutes with it.
Now, while I felt as though my 2nd entry was late—and it was—the market still gave me a great area to keep my stop while it was moving along in the trade. After my first target was hit, I started keeping my risk much closer. Almost too close. My 2nd target was hit but there was a good chance I could have held my final target a bit longer if I hadn’t moved my stop in so close. No biggie though—I knew I was going to have to get ready for some things, so it was time for me to get out anyways. (Although I did have to cover the market movement while I was talking about my trades so I didn’t get frustrated with myself for an “early exit” lol)
Okay, so I will be adding this to The Vault and I will also include a video I did before that I completely spaced to edit and post—but I’ll get it out—promise! I hope that you all have a wonderful rest of your week and don’t forget that things will be slowing down quite a bit with the holidays upon us! Much love my friend and you know that I look forward to catching YOU on the profitable side.
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