Monday Trading: Getting Comfortable with My New Targets +20.75 Points
Jan 26, 2021
What is up Traders! Monday turned out to be a little better than I expected! I don’t tend to get a lot of extended time to sit with the market these days like I once did, so I try to just pull them out where I can these days. A few of those trades happened to show themselves to me just as I was working on my video and the market was almost done for the day. It was nice to double my profits at the end of day though for sure! I definitely added time to the whole video process—hence the reason it is out a day late.
I did trade and record Thursday night after hours. I do a quick cover of the trades here but I’m only putting the video out in The Vault for that one. Not gonna lie—editing these videos has become one of my least favorite things to do on the planet. It is VERY time consuming and I’m seriously thinking about hiring someone else to do it.
Anyways- y’all--- now that I’m feeling more comfortable with my 2.5 point stop (which I am finding I can minimize by 2 ticks almost regularly) and 5 point/2 contract target.. it is getting a little bit more comfortable to hold. Because I was so used to the 2 point target for so long, holding for the 5 was a challenge to start but I knew it would be worth the journey. As I’ve said before, it isn’t always easy to share every step of it all because there are some scrapes and bruises along the way but it is certainly worth it!
Alrighty folks, I do apologize for the later video being out—but if I’m being real with myself—I will just go ahead and apologize for the future videos that will come out a day late or so. Until I figure out a way to speed up the process or I find someone who will be doing them for me, then I will just have to remind myself that the important things are taken care of and stressing over it does no good.
Much love good people! Hope everyone had a fantastic day and I’ll catch y’all around later this week!
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