Ending the Day Early w/1 Trade After a Little Overnight Action and Only 11 Minutes in the MES +12.50
Jan 12, 2021Hello good peeps and Happy Monday!! I didn’t have a lot of time to spend with the market today, so I only took one quick trade. I couldn’t get my mind off things I needed to get done today—and when I do that—I will make up trades because I’m not giving the market my full attention.
I did, however, take 2 trades last night that I share with you here. 1 win and 1 loss. It had just set up so nicely when I went to start working on my Monday morning news/Daily chart post—that I couldn’t resist. Working on nailing those targets when it gives it to me, combined with the idea of dropping my target in INSTEAD of dropping my stop in for the exit (ie—not waiting for it to come back and take my stop when it tells me it’s time to get out) is definitely making life and making profits much easier these days.
Y’all—I don’t care how long you’ve been at this—if you don’t feel like you’re learning something new about the market OR about yourself, then you’re going to find yourself stuck in a rut. And that spot can seriously SUCK!
One last thing! I do mention that I’ve got a free guide I’m putting out (we WERE calling it a course but it is definitely more of a guide) and I need some eyes on it before it goes up on my site. If you’d like to take a look at Issue 1 (of what is 3, possibly more) and give me some feedback, PLEASE hit me up at [email protected]! I’ll be more than happy to email it to you and will eagerly await any feedback/criticism/crazy looks you have to share with me!
Alrighty—time to roll out and get some things done! Much love, have a beautiful Monday my friends and totally looking forward to seeing you around more this week!
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