Coming Back From My WORST LIVE LOSS EVER!! -28.5 Points to a MASSIVE WIN +38.75 Points
Jan 16, 2021Folks—this video was NOT an easy one to make for you. I questioned it.. I asked Jason if I should do it (KNOWING he wouldn’t, but kinda hoping he would confirm it and say “naaah”)… I was actively looking for a way to NOT post it so I could save some face………But I also know that there is HUGE value in it. To show you that, this is what can happen when you trade without a full plan, distracted or simply trying to force things because you just want to make something happen. None of that works—but the good thing is that even when you lose, you can win—so long as you learn. Yes, I did come out with a positive day but I had to do a LOT of work to get back what I had thrown away and showing that side of me is not always easy—but here it is.
So this was, by far, the worst loss I’ve EVER come back from! I started off my day with SEVEN losses!!! Which, by the way, is WAY out of my comfort zone to go that far into the red zone—but I was on a mission and I can say—as soon as I pulled my head out of my behind, mission COMPLETE!
There was a reason for it though—and I gave myself a little grace when I finally pulled myself together. Part of the reason I allowed myself to go to such a level is, I was working on some ideas that I had been playing with in SIM. Now, here is the bit of the irresponsible kicker. I had only practiced with 1 contract……… I went LIVE with 3. This means, when I took a loss—it would take my breath away a bit more than if I just had the 1 contract. I lost a bit of self-control, found it again.. and the rest is history.
With the way the market has been, evolving with it is ABSOLUTELY necessary. So working on new ideas ways to flow with the market is key.. This really means though, had I had a bit more self-control, I COULD have ended my day with closer to 67 points for the day… but as a wise man once said—“It is what it is.” 😉
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